Mike, I always appreciate you sharing your Aerovee experience. Thanks!
I made covers for those access holes I added to the baffles, for the top aft nuts. You can see a #6 screw, with a rivet tail next to it. An aluminum pop rivet holds the cover off to the side and it pivots on that rivet.
Same cover pivoted for access. I'm holding the covers for the other side. Inside cover gets a nutplate. Outside cover gets a circle piece riveted to it. This circle piece is the thickness of the baffle.
View from inside:
I had to trim the inside piece on the other side due to interference. There are other ways to do this but this is what I came up with. What I like about it is all the pieces except the screw are captive. There is not much room between the intake and the baffle wall, so minimal effort to get the inside cover out of the way or lined back up.