Here is Bob's test info:
Today I tested my heavy duty dog anchors. I got a big surprise.
Here are photos and results: first test was the Sport Aviation tie down. The SA anchor pulled out at 120 lbs when pulled at 90 degrees and 90
lbs when pulled at 45 degrees.
The the dog anchors were tested. The bottom line was using my 50 lb luggage scale I could not move or pull
out a single anchor. At a 90 degree pull I applied at least 277 lbs to the
anchor. The only thing it did was to rotate slightly to align the rope and
anchor to the force vector.
I then did a 45 degree pull and applied at least 275 lbs. Same result. No
movement, except a little rotation to align to the force vector.
With these results I am going to use two heavy duty dog anchors on each
wing placed about 6" apart. I will use a single anchor on the tail.
Remember, these numbers will be affected by soil type and moisture but the
Bob (number crunchier) Mika