Where do I begin!

Re: Where do I begin!

Postby vigilant104 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:27 am

helifrek wrote: I suppose I will be pretty quite for awhile now. I will update you guys when I start flight school and will try and post some pictures. . . .
Thanks again guys! maybe I will run into some of you at some of the fly-ins in the next few years!

Don't be a stranger. As you learn to fly, some of the things you experience will prompt more questions about the Sonex. And most folks here were student pilots at one time, so we'll recall what you are going through.

FWIW, I sent you a separate email re: Post 9/11 GI bill.

Stay in touch!

Mark Waldron
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby helifrek » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:45 pm

Thanks Mark, I will be sure to stick around. I don't think my choice of airplane will change. Got your e-mail, will try and get back to you soon. Been busy the past few days. Thanks again everyone.
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby helifrek » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:47 pm

"I will be sure to stick around"...... that was about 2 and a half year ago!

Not to re-open a dead thread but I would like to update everyone on my lack of progress! Most of my posts were from ALSE school while I had alot of time on my hands, I came back from school and deployed overseas and I just got super busy! time slipped away and then priorities got in the way. I decided that I didn't want to reenlist in the Army and started saving money so my wife and I could move back home and pretty much came to the conclusion that I would not be able to afford to fly or that I would wait until I moved back home and just get myself an ultralight. Fast forward to today and I am just a couple months away from getting out of the Army but with a more positive outlook! I am being cautiously optimistic but a few weeks ago I was offered a civilian position in the same ALSE shop that I work in now! with a huge pay raise! I also found out that I qualify for separation pay which is a pretty large chunk of change!

I would start on my plan now but I don't want to blow all my savings and end up not getting the job or separation pay, gotta think of the "what ifs"..... but if everything goes as planned I am going straight into getting my pilots license as soon as possible. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself so I am just going to concentrate on the pilots license first, I may go ahead an do a couple of lessons to keep me motivated.

Another note, I did order the sonex brochure with the dvds and everything, still got them! also got to meet with the local sonex pilot Robert and my wife even went on a flight with him! I was too fat :( the hot day and his engine temps running higher than normal kept me from going up with him. After all my research I am still decided on the sonex being the best bang for the buck!

Thanks again for all your comments back then, very re-invigorating reading all of them!
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby 9GT » Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:50 am

Don't give up on your dream. I started my interest in flying at the age of 18. Made a couple attempts to get my PPL in my early 20's but had to put it on the back burner due to having a family and raising kids. When my kids were grown and on their own and I had some extra money, (I was in my mid 40's) I took out a personal loan from a local credit union to finance my flight lessons. You don't want to drag it out so you maximize the learning curve and have a couple lessons a week and have the money available to pay for it.
David Clifford
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby helifrek » Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:01 pm

Thanks for the encouragement. Dreams aren't necessities and a lot of the times the necessities get in the way which is what has been happening with me. I brought out my old flight study guide and brushed it off last night, today I am going to find my sonex brochure and DVD a go through it again.
Looking at the new B model I would love to have the extra room and more fuel. Unfortunately it is going to be impossible to find a used B model! I do love to build, 5 years experience working on helicopters and building rc aircraft. I am kicking myself for not going into the sheet metal shop, those guys could probably build a sonex in a weekend!

So, I may break it up into kits and go with the B model..... then again I am just getting ahead of myself again.

Thanks again,
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby helifrek » Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:10 pm

Just an update for anyone who cares :) I got the new job!!! :D as soon as the holidays are over I am going to go to the local airport and start working on my pilots license! after I get my PPL I am going to start looking into buying or building a Sonex. Can't wait!
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Re: Where do I begin!

Postby helifrek » Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:17 pm

Another update: I found a CFI that is sort of local! the closest airport to me (only 4.5 miles away) does not have any sort of flight schools or airplane rentals. The gentleman is 61 years young and sounds like he is the perfect teacher for me! we have been trying to get together the past couple of weeks but since I am only available on the weekends and the weather has not been great we have yet to meet up. Can't wait to start though!
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