Sonex1542 wrote:The crash due to the tail falling off because of bad riveting...
Are you referring to the accident of Oct 22, 2011 involving a "Berger Waiex, N75654" near Washington, Georgia?
If so, the NTSB Accident ID is ERA12FA018, and there is a complete accident report available for download.
Included in the report is the following:
"The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
The in-flight failure of the aircraft’s Y-tail attachment structure during maneuvering flight due to overload. Contributing to the accident was, the kit manufacturer’s use of 14 CFR Part 23, Appendix A design guidelines intended for a conventional tail airplane without a V- (or Y-) tail."
Looking at the photos included with the report, I can see how someone might form the opinion that the accident was the result of poor craftsmanship, but that would just be someone's opinion, and not the findings of the NTSB. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I believe that opinion should be made based on the complete report and not on parts of it posted by myself or others on the internet.