by fastj22 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:47 pm
Have you only flown C172s?
If so, the stick will take some getting used to. As well as how sensitive it is. You can manhandle a C172 yoke around a lot, can't do that with Sonex or you will over control it.
Site picture is completely different too. The low wing will obstruct your view of the ground during final, so if you rely on looking out the side window to judge your height and flare, you are in for a big change. Keep your eyes on the end of the runway.
The sonex slows down a lot quicker on final too. You really need to watch your approach speed and not let it degrade too fast. A C172 has a lot more mass and slows down like a bus.
You chop the throttle in a Sonex and you are going down quickly. If you deploy your flaps too early on base, I find myself dragging in at half throttle to the threshold. The plane can drop like a rock when slow.
Other than that, it flys just like any other plane I've flown. Just different. They all have their quirks.
I had C172, C150, Gobash, DA20, Citabria, RV7 time before flying my Sonex. That helped a lot.
John Gillis
SEL Private, Comm Glider, Tow pilot (Pawnee Driver)
Waiex N116YX, Jabiru 3300, Tail dragger,
First flight, 3/16/2013. 403 hours and climbing.
Home: CO15. KOSH x 5
Flying a B-Model Conversion (Super Bee Baby!)