chuckster wrote:Good to hear you are sorted out, now the expiring minds need to know, did you at some point remove the magnet or did it come that way? If so that would be very rare.
OK, so I will fess up in public. I switched the magnet during the engine build. I am apparently not the only builder befuddled by the seemingly contradictory diagram that shows how to check the polarity with a compass. But I'm sure I'm in the minority, so my bad. I thought in my testing it had been put in reversed, so I switched it. When we "checked" it two weekends ago, two of us looked at the diagram and thought we were reading it right. But a check later that week on another functional AeroVee showed mine was opposite. Sonex thought the engine wouldn't even run with the polarity reversed, so I had not checked it more thoroughly. Now we know it WILL run on a reversed magnet.
Mike Smith