by Hambone » Wed Nov 27, 2024 6:11 pm
So I finally flew the Sonex from the airpark to the local airport after installing the new heads, and getting a fresh conditional inspection.
It was a rather eventful experience!
Engine was running well, takeoff was uneventful. I had intended on climbing overhead the airpark to give the engine a good run before heading over to KGOO, where I wanted to practice some approaches before landing. However, the CHTs starting climbing a few minutes into the flight. I leveled off, let it cool, and recommenced the climb. After a few iterations of this, I had only climbed 2,000 ft. I really didn't want to return to the airpark, so I headed over to KGOO, only 6 miles away.
Enroute, the engine started running rough. I leaned the mixture a bit, and this helped. But I really wanted to get it on the ground. Entered 45 to downwind at 100 mph, turned base still at 100, and pulled the throttle to idle and lowered 20 flaps. Idle all the way from base to final, and still almost 100 mph. The engine wouldn't idle below 1200 RPM. No problem, I thought. I'll just hold it a few feet off the ground, let the airspeed decay, and land. This was all going well, but after I touched down, I let it get a little bit sideways, which broke one of the wheel pants in two. I was paying more attention to the rapidly approaching end of the runway rather than keeping it straight after touchdown.
So now I'm concerned about the landing gear. Getting sideways must have imparted a side load on the wheel and axle, and to me, it looks like there's a little more camber than there used to be. It must have taken quite a load to cause the tire to contact the inside of the wheel pant hard enough to split the wheel pant.
Anyway, I learned a lot, and lived to tell the tale. I hadn't flown in a while, I didn't like the rough-running engine, and I let myself get behind the aircraft. Maybe I should have gone around and set up a more stable approach. Hopefully there's no permanent damage to the gear. I'll need to figure out how to check it for safety before I fly it again. In the meantime, I'm going to try to adjust the mixture, idle speed, and timing in an effort to get the engine to run smoother and cooler.