RAMI vs. Delta Pop VHF Antenna's

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RAMI vs. Delta Pop VHF Antenna's

Postby WilliamBatten » Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:49 pm

I've always been told that RAMI antennas were hard to beat. Unfortunately, that was not my experience this time. I purchased the RAMI VHF antenna from Spruce - took care in the mounting - but was unable to get acceptable SWR readings. I took measurements with the antenna just out of the box - and it seemed to be tuned for the low end of the frequency spectrum. I began shortening the antenna - but was never able to get readings under and SWR of 2.0.

A fellow Sonex builder had just upgraded his VHF antenna to a Delta Pop - and was very happy with the results. So, I spent the extra money and ordered one from MGL - along with the RG-400 coax. Now all of my readings are 1.75 or below and the antenna is tuned for the center of the VHF spectrum - see attached spreadsheet.
SWR Readings.pdf
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