Bryan Cotton wrote:Some post-flight observations:
1) We were turning 3400 at 80kts in the climb.
2) I saw 1000 FPM solo and 800 two-up. Steady, not a stick thermal.
3) CHTs were all under 300.
4) Oil pressure at 3400 was 72-75.
5) Oil temp got to 212 during my climb. About 3000 AGL solo and 2000 AGL dual.
6) EGTs much more balanced. With #1 at 1350, #2 & #4 were about 1270. #3 was a little over 1300.
7) Radio didn't transmit
8) Panel lights inop.
GPAS manifolds
Cotton Cooler (tm) cylinder baffles
Bonded in RH gear leg
Cleaned up cooling fins (EMPI heads from Sonex)
It really ran and flew great!
bvolcko38 wrote:Your more balanced EGTs... do you attribute that to the notches cut into the intake manifolds? Or something else?
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