Does anybody out there have a cad file of the Onex panel with any specific instrument layouts or sizes? I want to start playing around with layout ideas on a small canvas of an instrument panel.
Thanks in advance.
David F. Jones Memphis (Mud Island), TN Aerovee powered Onex N153TD Based at KAWM and in the midst of Phase 1
Chris, I contacted a rep at XPanel, Scott Wilkinson. He said that if someone could get him a CAD drawing (DFX or DWG) of the Onex panel, he would convert it into XPanel format. He can be contacted at Don_P, Onex0095
Thanks to who ever sent the folks at XPanel Software the drawing of the Onex panel. I received an e-mail from them saying that the Onex panel is now in their list of templates. To update your copy of XPanel, run the application, choose Help>Check for Updates, install updates, and then restart XPanel.