sonex1020x wrote:Dale,
I resent your implication that i might be a careless pilot willing to fly a" broken airplane". You know NOTHING of my airplane, my experience or flight conditions that day. You should know that all takeoffs are optional, and carry varying risk that you can choose to accept or not. In my 56 years of flying, I have rejected or aborted my share of takeoffs for different reasons. I have never had an incident, accident, or even scratched an aircraft (outside of the hangar ,anyway :-) ) in those years. You may elect to not takeoff with a certain crosswind component, where i might feel it is safe. This does not make me an inherently reckless pilot. I posted many questions that i had regarding my ignition problem, none of which were "do you think I should takeoff with those conditions?". Unsolicited and derogative advice is never appreciated. Secondly, you mock all of us Aerovee owners with your "Install a Corvair" ! If you want to continue to espouse your amazing conservative safety values and ideas, there are other places on this forum in which to do that. George.
sonex1020x wrote:To all you others who shared valuable information, Thank you ! FYI I ordered two new coils and a set of plug wires today, so hopefully that resolves my issue. And, did you know that Sonex considers a "set" of plug wires to be only two? No information on their Web Store to indicate a "set" is only two wires, not 4. If you go to any auto parts store to get a set of plug wires say, for a Chevy V-8, you will get 8 wires ! Go figure ! Thanks again, and I will re-post with results hopefully soon. George.
Area 51% wrote:
Many moons ago in auto shop, we used to remove a wire from the distributor of someone we disliked and draw a line from the terminal to the body of the distributor with a pencil. "Pencil lead", being mostly carbon, gave the spark a handy little shortcut to ground and was maddening to diagnose.
Lessons learned.
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