Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

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Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

Postby vigilant104 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:57 am

I just changed my oil. As expected, there was nothing in the screen and a film of "silvery sludge" on the sump cover. I'm guessing that the screen serves a useful purpose in stopping any big chunks of gasket, etc from circulating in the engine, and that it was probably useful in catching big chunks of gooey tar from a street VW that was neglected and used the available 1968 oils for 5000 miles.

Removing the oil in the Aerovee is simple: unscrew the big plug and it comes out. The thing that complicates matters is the removal of the sump cover to check the screen and clean the sump. Removing the sump plate requires lowering the oil cooler (stress on hoses and fittings), removing and replacing the plate (chance of breaking those 6 weak studs and of getting a new leak in the 4 gasket/metal interfaces).

It would, in theory, be possible to make a scraper that would make it easy to clean out the sludge through the oil drain hole and then accomplish the oil change in 15 minutes instead of an hour. Stupid? Risky? Dumb? Is everyone else already just dropping the plate every other oil change and I'm the only one dropping it every time? Just what are you people finding in that screen after 25 hours?
Mark Waldron
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Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

Postby Sonerai13 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:30 pm

If you do the work properly there's no risk of damage. Just don't over-torque the sump cover nuts. 60 lb-in max!

You don't need any special sealant on the gaskets either. Just rub some motor oil on them and you're all set. Piece of cake!

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Re: Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

Postby MichaelFarley56 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:58 pm

Good thoughts Mark. When I first started running my engine, that mesh screen did an outstanding job of catching small pieces of RTV that was floating around in the oil. I'm hoping that's all I ever find on the screen; if I ever find a big chunk of metal, things could be bad! Other than a few pieces of RTV though, I've never found anything else on that screen.

I do think the screen itself is the issue with your idea. If all you want to do is change the oil then just do as you said...pull the bolt, drain the oil, replace bolt and add fresh oil. Without removing the sump plate though, I don't think there's a way to clean off the screen properly.

I also didn't like the flexing of the hoses every time I changed the oil which is one reason why I swapped to the top mounted cooler. Short of that however, I'm not sure you're going to have very many options.

Interesting thought though...something to think about!
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Re: Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

Postby floridasonex » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:35 pm

The first time I found some RTV in there ... but the rest .. nothing.

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Re: Aerovee oil change: What do you find?

Postby kmacht » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:27 am

Anybody thought about putting a strong magnet on the cover to try and catch any ferrous material? It is common in alot of auto transmissions ot have a magnet sitting inside the pan. The little stuff the magnet catches probably won't hurt your engine but it might be usefull if you watch for changes in how much it catches in between each oil change. Just a thought.

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