Sonex Legacy fuel Level Sending unit Calibration

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Sonex Legacy fuel Level Sending unit Calibration

Postby Nick » Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:54 pm

I have started Calibration on my Waiex. I am using a MX1 which is currently reading 13.3 gallons with an empty tank. I read the instructions on the Calibration and finally got it to read 0. My question is the sending unit itself on the cover says calibration button inside. So I opened it up and it had a single light flashing. I hit the button to see if it did something to the screen and nothing happened except now I had 3 lights flashing. I cannot find any data for this and what if anything it has to do. Can someone please explain what I need to do. I would like to get 5 gallons of 100LL and put it in the tank 1 gallon at a time and check the calibration as I go.
Thank You
Legacy Sonex Waiex 0179
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Re: Sonex Legacy fuel Level Sending unit Calibration

Postby karmarepair » Sun Aug 13, 2023 10:26 pm

You'll have to get the manual for BOTH the Princeton/RED sender, AND the MGL MX1. The sender can output several different ways. The "Calibration" the sender talks about is a way of setting the sender, and in certain modes, calibrating the "Set Points". HOWEVER, with my Dynon, it's looking for a 0-5v signal, and you calibrate at the EIS, with the sender set to the default, continuous analog output mode. Carefully read the INSTALLATION manual for the MX1, and it will give you the clues you need.

Here is the installation manual for your MGL MX1 ... manual.pdf

From the RED installation manual (

"Your fuel probe can be configured as 1, 2, or 5 set
1 set point is helpful if you are connecting the probe
to an EFIS that has its own calibration.
2 set points is typically used for uniformly shaped
tanks where the amount of fuel in the tank directly
correlates to the amount of the probe that is covered
by fuel.
5 set points is for complex tank shapes where, for
example, the top portion of the tank is larger than the
bottom portion."
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Re: Sonex Legacy fuel Level Sending unit Calibration

Postby Nick » Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:55 pm

Thank You Karmarepair, The Red installation manual was exactly what I needed. I will go get the fuel and get it calibrated as I put the fuel in.

Legacy Sonex Waiex 0179
Jabiru 3300 Gen1 Rotec LCH, EI, TBI
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Re: Sonex Legacy fuel Level Sending unit Calibration

Postby Nick » Fri Aug 25, 2023 4:52 pm

Ok so I went step by step on the Red fuel level probe. I did the grounding of the yellow wire and held the button until all three lights came on but according to the instructions I am suppose to hold until the lights go out. Mine never go out! I am trying to set it to Set 1 because I am trying to connect it to a MGL MK1 IEFIS. According to the IEFIS it is not sensing the fuel level. I'm still playing with the MK1 and getting all the items installed. I started the engine for the first time since Top Overhaul and Over 10 years sitting. It started and ran rough like timing was off but looked and found I had couple spark plug wires crossed. Ran great and Idled great. All readings on IEFIS good except Fuel Level and Fuel Flow. I cannot even find fuel flow indication so I guess I need to investigate and get it on the screen. If anyone has a MK1 and can give advise I will take it. Thanks for any help Nick
Legacy Sonex Waiex 0179
Jabiru 3300 Gen1 Rotec LCH, EI, TBI
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