Repeat Offenders

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Re: Repeat Offenders

Postby Murray Parr » Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:35 am

I'm an almost repeat offender, I built a RV9 and half way through the project I moved overseas and bought it with me, after moving overseas again, I decided it was getting too large to travel so I sold it 80% complete and ordered a Waiex model B which just arrived and I started on the rudder yesterday. I can't imagine life without an aircraft project in my living room but this time I'm planning on completing in 12 months so I can do more flying than building...
Murray Parr
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Re: Repeat Offenders

Postby Bryan Cotton » Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:44 am

Welcome to the group! The Waiex is my third project but hopefully my first completion.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
Taildragger, Aerovee, acro ailerons
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Re: Repeat Offenders

Postby Area 51% » Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:02 pm

Just as in childbirth, the pain of the wallet contractions from the first Waiex has become a faded memory.

Received the plans for my next Waiex in the mail last Saturday. Word on the street is the sub-kits won't be available till mid-March or April, but at least I have the means to start producing the "fiddly" parts that don't come in the kit.

The hinges have been drilled and I'm about to attempt to screw up some phenolic sheet.

Anything less than 4 years, 8 months, and 6 days to completion will be considered a win. I'm shooting for December 1095th.

I'm sad the name "Chett" has already been taken.

Searching for my ultra-fine blue Sharpie here @Area 51%
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Re: Repeat Offenders

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:58 pm

Chett Jr!
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
Taildragger, Aerovee, acro ailerons
dual sticks with sport trainer controls
Prebuilt spars and machined angle kit
Year 2 flying and approaching 200 hours December 23
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Re: Repeat Offenders

Postby dboeshaar » Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:42 pm

I'm kind of a repeat builder. Maybe a half builder?
Built most of an RV-9a but mom got sick, so my time went away. The plane went a guy who will finish quickly.
I now have a Sonex Model B on order. Just finished the empennage yesterday (63 days) and paid my shipping for the rest of the airframe. (Sonex bills shipping when the project is READY TO SHIP!)

I'm really ready to finish! Things that speed you up are a complete hanger, all the tools, spare nuts and bolts (aircraft quality), proper budget and a bunch of experience.

Gung Ho!

David Boeshaar
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