by 13brv3 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:15 pm
I've made a couple flights with the static source open behind the panel. I've got a piece of open cell foam over the end, and I can't see any change when opening and closing my vent. Of course the vent isn't that great either. The ASI and VSI do seem a bit more stable.
At max cruise speed, it doesn't seem to have changed the ASI reading. I did a GPS averaged speed test at 90 mph also, which i didn't do before, and it's probably as accurate as I can hope for.
One speed that changed a lot is the stall speed. Before, my stall speed was unrealistically low, and it was always on my to-do list to figure out why. For example, I would see 38 mph with full flaps, when the spec is probably optimistic at 45 mph. Seeing as I have the short wingtips, and I'm 20 lbs over the ideal empty weight, I always figured I should realistically see closer to 50. Well now I see 53 mph. I have to believe that's more realistic, though more testing is needed. I had to add 10 mph to my pattern and landing speed :-)
I think I'll call it good for now, and move on to other items on my list.
Onex- Rotax 912 (160 hours and counting)
Fixed wing, gyroplane, A&P