by 13brv3 » Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:22 am
That certainly makes me feel better about my 912UL engine choice. We're at essentially the same pitch angle, which will require the same airspeed to fly. This must mean that the geared Rotax is getting to the flying speed a lot sooner. It seems clear to me that a tri-gear plane will have more angle of attack available at takeoff, so it will be able to lift off sooner.
I flew the plane to 10k ft today, and it was a dog at that altitude, as expected. Does the Aerovee have mixture control? I see that they spec the cruise speed at 155 mph at 8000 ft, but that's hard to believe without mixture control (or a turbo). My best cruise speed has been 133 mph (GPS averaged) at 4500 or 5500, so those will be my best cruise altitudes. It's way less than that at 8000 ft, partly due to the lack of direct mixture control.
Onex- Rotax 912 (160 hours and counting)
Fixed wing, gyroplane, A&P