by pilotyoung » Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:55 am
Thank you again for your quick reply. When I first got the Onex, I tried to lift the tail a couple of times during takeoff and I had difficulty with directional control, staying on the center line. So I quit that and just kept it on all three wheels, the stick about neutral and let it fly off. I have not had the benefit of an instructor for the Onex. My insurance company required two hours with a CFI in a tailwheel Sonex and I could not find that anywhere. So I went back to the insurance company with an offer of tow hours with a CFI in a Piper Cut, because I could get that at my airport. They accepted that offer. So after completing that. I talked to a couple of Onex guys and went up to Kentucky to pick up my new Onex and fly it home. My plan was to fly it on Friday evening locally and then fly it home on Saturday. I did about an hour flight Friday night, slow flight, steep turns, a couple of stalls, and then tried a landing. The first one was terrible and I gave it power and went. Fortunately I got enought speed to be flying before I came to the taxi light. So I went around and came back for the second try which was better, but not acceptble to me. I did get it on the ground, straight down the center line, but I called it quits for Friday night. I told the prior owner that I needed to stay over on Saturday and fly early Saturday morning and then late on Saturday afternoon and then I would leave for home on Sunday morning. So I did that, worked on stalls, slow flight, and landings on Saturday and I made enough progress that I felt I could fly it home safely on Sunday. So I did that and made one fuel stop on the way home, and I had to go around at the fuel stop. When I got to my home airport, I had to go around twice and landed on the third try. But it was home and I then talked to a couple more Onex drivers and watched videos on landing it. Then I spend about 30 hours doing nothing abut landings. I would fly to other airports close by and do lndings there. But all this was without instruction except talking to other Onex owners s to how they land it. While that practice has worked for me, I have not crashed it, I am still not totally confident that I am using the best procedure. So I m going to try your instructors procedure and see how I like it.