by 13brv3 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:34 pm
I can already hear a chorus of groans from people reading that subject line :-)
I have a Onex, and it has the Azusa mechanical drum brakes. I think I've read everything that's been written about making these works, but no luck so far. I'm going to spend one more session working on them, and if there isn't a marked improvement, I'm giving up. Note that this thread is NOT asking for tips on making these work unless you have a secret that's never been published.
I started a Onex project years ago, but life got in the way and I sold it. On that install, I had the Aeroconversion brake upgrade, which I thought was clever, and certainly compact. I've read plenty of comments both good and bad. Other hydraulic brakes exist (O'Keefe, Matco, etc) but they're not nearly as compact, though I expect they'd have more braking force.
My question is whether the Aeroconversion brakes will hold enough to do a high power run-up? I don't need max braking force, but I DO need to be able to do a run-up, which I can't do now. I would likely start with a single handgrip master, but eventually would go with differential of some sort.
For anyone who didn't like them and took them off, I might be interested in buying them.
Onex- Rotax 912 (160 hours and counting)
Fixed wing, gyroplane, A&P