lakespookie wrote:I am based in southern California and the morning/ afternoon marine layer is a real issue in flying in this area, I have no intention of doing hard ifr work or getting anywhere near any convective activity but I would like the option to shoot an approach down to get under the layer and also to stay IFR current once I get that ticket
lakespookie wrote:Updated design for single screen
I guess I have some time to simmer on it this would be less work overall and reduce the amount of panel overhang I would have the G3x is still slightly off center but I anticipate I will do a lot of 2 person flying at least that's my intended mission so the fact its offset left I think is better than being centered. The offset is also small enough that center seating will still be fairly reasonable to execute. the switch guards were used to space the intended USB Charging ports there just is not anything in the database for the panel designer in the right dimensions and those switch guards are slightly larger than the dimentions of the intended charging ports. the grey cutouts are for the air vents originally I was planning to toss them on a top lip like another builder but if I am not going up as far then there it does not make sense to reduce visibility.
The guarded switch is a hard switch to disable the garmin envelope protection for flying light acro
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