... re-oshkoshThe way camping works, is you pay up front for the day you arrive, and for every day after until the end of the show. If you leave before the end of the show, you get a refund when you exit Camp Scholler and turn in your camping credentials. That's the only way they can make sure if you're in Scholler, that you've paid for that day. So it is definitely $28/night and they guarantee camping. The later you arrive, the harder it will be to find a camp site that isn't WAY far away from the main gate. Each camp sight includes space for your accommodations and your car. Your car gets a sticker in the window that lets you drive in and out of Scholler.
If you show up on the Sunday before the show you can still get on the grounds that day, before all the crowds, to get a first look around. Wednesday night and Saturday night have a night airshow, so you should be sure to include one of those days. Saturday is usually the crazy busy day, so the weekdays are a bit better in terms of getting around.
The best time to find interior accommodations is a year before the event, or as far out as the hotels will let you book.
Prepare to walk MILES! Bring a hat and sunscreen. Bring a container for water. You might need some baling wire to keep your jaw from dropping and you tongue from hanging out :-)