Hi all,
A few topics to go over.
SBPF - the foundation type club. holding a meeting on the flightline oshkosh 21 tue july 27 9am
homebuilt registration . they have a covered patio on the south end of the building
i’ll bring some doughnuts and coffee and name tags.
You do not need to be a member of SBPF to attend . But would love for people to join . As soon as the website is up
and running again.
The SBPF. we need help. Robbie Culver has indicated he will step down. he does not have the time to continue as president. due to covid the board and foundation has not done much the last year and a half.
What is needed most is someone with website experience . We need to get the website back up and running.
contact robbie at.
robbie_culver@icloud.comWe need to hold a board mtg soon- maybe zoom.
SBPF - annually at oshkosh ive atteneded the ntsb/faa rountable on safety. only for type clubs. this yrs focus will
be EAB phase 1 testing. i would like one more to attend with me . wear at least a sonex hat or tshirt.
tue july 27 , 2-3pm eaa heritage bldg just south of the main parking lot. it may be moved to a covered outdoor location.
Please see the other post on the annual SBPF picnic at wayne and kathys 7th heaven , east side of wittman airpark.
coincides with the wed nite airshow. bring a chair and bug spray. wed jul 28.