The number one issue brought up is "countless natural disasters experienced recently”
“Dramatic fatal accidents and liability aren’t the cost drivers contributing to rate hikes. It’s hull coverage”
According to Richard McSpadden, executive director of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Safety Institute, the four most common causes of non-catastrophic incidents that increase rates are:
-- The most costly problem in general aviation aircraft is gear-up landings and gear collapses. This currently does not include any LSA, other than amphibious seaplanes.
-- Next is loss of directional control on the ground, including ground loops. McSpadden stated, “Although taildraggers are a strong contributor to overall insurance payouts in this category, the issue is not exclusive to taildraggers. Pilots lose control on the ground in nosewheel airplanes at a surprising rate.”
-- Hard landings came in third in the list of non-catastrophic accidents. Notably, flight into terrain and in-flight breakups are expensive but are so infrequent that they do not affect rates as significantly.
-- Ranking fourth in overall cost to insurers, but first in number of incidents, is prop strikes. Most pilots are aware that props are expensive and a prop strike means a costly examination by an aviation mechanic.
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