Awesome conversations!
So - accident database. is on the forum if you look on the right side (not far from that DONATE button!).
Funny it comes up again. We kept one and it was problematic. I was on a business trip to San Diego when a (now former) member called me. He
It turns out the accident database included him. He *demanded* (I’m being polite) that it was removed immediately. I pointed out it was public knowledge and in the NTSB database, which we linked in the summaries. Yeah, that didn’t help.
Best practices - excellent suggestion. We tried and tried, got some done, but not enough. Definitely something that would add knowledge if it was properly vetted. (Jeff did something similar here)
Transition training has been something we worked on since day one. Currently there are no LODA holders. We did have articles on obtaining one but when the insurance quotes came in.....yeah. That didn’t fit the budget for most owners. That’s how the two transition training guides came to be.
At one point we were actually offered an aircraft. It didn’t seem to be a manageable situation so we declined, but I always wondered if we could find a way to manage one for transition training. It would be complicated and expensive.
The tool loan program is still fairly active. Could definitely be better.
Alternate sources - an interesting idea. My concern is when we recommend an alternate source and someone comes back and blames us for doing so. And the factory response.
YouTube videos - cool idea! We made several also. We still have a YouTube account and channel. I still have a bunch of the Yahoo files and many of them were on the website.
These are all excellent ideas. Now let’s doing something with them and get the foundation back on track.
Who has time and knowledge of websites? We use GoDaddy so it’s not like you are writing code.