by MichaelFarley56 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:59 pm
Hello Steve,
This is just my opinion, but I think the panel layout looks great! I really like it! I really wish MGL has the Mini Xtreme EFIS available when I bought my avionics. I like my Stratomaster Ultra XL but really like the small size of the Xtreme! A local RANS S-6 builder has one installed in his airplane and it's really nice.
If you like the redundancy of having analog gauges to go along with the EFIS display I'd say you have a great setup. If it were me, I'd do just what you were saying; have the EFIS up for engine data, and use the analog gauges for backup information.
Are you thinking about an AeroVee? One gauge I've added after my Waiex was already flying is a cheap, mechanical oil pressure gauge. That one gauge is, in my opinion, the most critical gauge for monitoring engine health and I wish I would have designed my panel with it in the first place. I had a digital readout on my MGL but it's never been all that accurate, even now after replacing the VDO pressure sensor many times.
I have the Van's RV vents in my panel and really like them. It's nice to be able to adjust the direction of airflow. That being said, if I were to build another Sonex I'd give serious consideration to the vents Mark is describing. I believe they put out more air volume and obviously leave you with a TON more open panel space. They really take up a lot of real estate. Personally, I find that I close them on takeoff becuase having so much air blowing in your face initially is a litle distracting; once I'm up in the air I'll crack them open. Just a thought.
I'm sure you've seen this on a lot of Sonex panels, but it's quite common for people to add a small channel under the panel in a vertical direction to give additional panel space for items such as switches, C/B's, and headphone jacks. At first I didn't want to do that because I didn't want to loose leg room, but now that I've spent so much time in my Waiex I wouldn't hesitate to add that channel ( maybe a 1.5" one?) to be able to move things down and free up more space. I'm 6'3", and have plenty of room between my knees and the bottom of the panel.
I really like having my headphone jacks in front of me. That way if one is loose I don't have to dislocate a shoulder trying to wiggle the connection. Plus, as an added bonus, if I'm ever flying with someone who won't shut up, I love havig their headphone jacks right there so I can pull their plugs anytime I want!! :)
I really like the panel...great job sir!!
Mike Farley
Waiex #0056 - N569KM (sold)
Onex #245