WesRagle wrote:Some thread drift but ... It seems to me that the worst part of polishing 6061-T6 is removing the grain. During those long hours of F9 polishing flat sheets I've often wondered if something like whats shown in this video would replace F9 polishing. Maybe start with a higher grit sand paper, always use an interface pad, and finish with the polishing method of your choice.
Ref. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1ARAB_enUS529US529&ei=05y0Xsn2E8OUtQWe3oyoDQ&q=use+fine+grit+sandpaper+to+polish+aluminum&oq=use+fine+grit+sandpaper+to+polish+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAxgBMggIIRAWEB0QHjIICCEQFhAdEB46BAgAEEc6AggAOgYIABAWEB46DggAEOoCELQCEJoBEOUCOgUIABCRAjoICAAQgwEQkQI6BQgAEIMBOgQIABBDOgcIIRAKEKABOgQIIRAKULCdAljspgNglrcDaAFwAXgDgAHHAYgByyqSAQUzNS4yMJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXqwAQY&sclient=psy-ab#kpvalbx=_DZ20XpDuNcO-tQWyorWoBw42
Anybody tried it? Might be worth an experiment.
Rynoth wrote:Nuvite is supposed to "bend" the grain over rather than remove it.
WesRagle wrote:Some thread drift but ... It seems to me that the worst part of polishing 6061-T6 is removing the grain. During those long hours of F9 polishing flat sheets I've often wondered if something like whats shown in this video would replace F9 polishing. Maybe start with a higher grit sand paper, always use an interface pad, and finish with the polishing method of your choice.
Ref. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1ARAB_enUS529US529&ei=05y0Xsn2E8OUtQWe3oyoDQ&q=use+fine+grit+sandpaper+to+polish+aluminum&oq=use+fine+grit+sandpaper+to+polish+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAxgBMggIIRAWEB0QHjIICCEQFhAdEB46BAgAEEc6AggAOgYIABAWEB46DggAEOoCELQCEJoBEOUCOgUIABCRAjoICAAQgwEQkQI6BQgAEIMBOgQIABBDOgcIIRAKEKABOgQIIRAKULCdAljspgNglrcDaAFwAXgDgAHHAYgByyqSAQUzNS4yMJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXqwAQY&sclient=psy-ab#kpvalbx=_DZ20XpDuNcO-tQWyorWoBw42
Anybody tried it? Might be worth an experiment.
DCASonex wrote:Best way i found to do the initial polish to remove the grain is with the flat sheets on a large table where one can apply significant pressure to the polisher. If doing that on a finished assembly, it will leave crease marks from internal structure like wing ribs. Nuvite warms against using much pressure but I suspect that is due to the possibility of leaving crease marks on finished planes, but using pressure on flat sheets laying on a table really does speed up the process.
David A.
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