tx_swordguy wrote:Peter were you ever able to ask Adrian about his cooling? I just changed to a prince p prop and it appears to o bite a bit harder than my sensinec does. I lost about 100 rpm across the range but it feels like it might be faster by about 3-5 mph in cruise. I think it is more of a cruise prop than my sensinec was.It has caused my egt to fall but my #5 cht is getting hotter than it used to so I was wondering if the cross tube might help me.
Hi Mark, I missed your question but better late than never eh? I asked Adrian about the benefit of the cross-over tube on the intake ducts. He was a little vague in his answer, I think because there was a long period during which he didn't fly and recent health problems have also prevented him from flying. I got the impression he thought it made a difference but was unsure about how much difference.
On my own Sonex, shifting air from the left intake to the right definitely made a difference and has had no adverse effect on the LH cooling. In fact the #6 head on my engine still runs a bit cooler than all the others.