by dirkverdonck » Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:00 am
I do two things in winter time that should preserve my engine:
1. I insert a flexible 10W heating wire designed to heat flowerpots that stay outside in winter time into the cowling through the cooling air outlet and close the cooling air inlets. This heating element only raises the temperature inside the cowling with 1 or 2°C but this is enough to avoid condensation on the engine and all other bits and pieces under the cowl iot prevent corrosion. The wire is of course removed before flight!
2. When arriving at the airport for a winter flight, I first remove the heating wire and install a small 200W room heater under the cowling and direct the air into the cooling air outlet. I leave it there for about an hour, enough to warm everything up under the cowl, the engine casing, the oil, the battery etc. In the mean time, I perform my preflight, draft a flight plan and have a cup of coffee and chat with collegues.
The engine starts easily as in summer time, oil pressure builds up more quickly and less time is needed on the ground before all temps are in hte green for a T/O.
In all, the cost of the goodies was about 50$ and no modifications under the cowl are needed, it's the KISS thing for me!
Dirk Verdonck
Leffinge, Belgium
Onex #117
Taildragger, Aerovee 2.1, MGL iEFIS, TRIG radio and Transponder, electric flaps, external elevator trim, shortened wingtips, hydraulic brakes, hightened seat pan, extra inspection panels, etc