Hi Guys,
In more rational moments I realize that, in the midst of all of this complaining and "Jack Bashing", there are several inconvenient facts we have to deal with.
1) EAA Corporate has a large number of tremendous achievements to their credit. This shouldn't be overshadowed by one embarrassing law suite.
2) We need EAA. And, for EAA to be able to advocate for us, they have to be able navigate the US legislature. That requires all the trappings of a corporation including lawyers and lobbyists.
3) EAA is indeed a corporation. They apparently operate in accordance with "The Seventh Restated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Association". I haven't found a copy of that document, but I'm still looking. Reading article one of the attached file will clear up any doubt about their corporate status.
4) Membership dues account for only about 13% of EAA's revenue so depriving them of your membership dues will have little effect. Ref.
https://www.eaa.org/-/media/Files/EAA/About/2019-Annual-Membership-Meeting-Minutes.ashx?la=en5) Complaining on an aircraft specific build forum will have little effect.
If I don't like the direction EAA is heading shouldn't it be my responsibility, as a member, to try to nudge the organization back on track? To be honest, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I know little to nothing about how the organization functions. I intend to fix that.
Now, would someone please point me to the "The Seventh Restated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Association".