Thank goodness for this website! I cant stand yahoo! Now I don't mind going to a Sonex website for questions, info, and PICTURES!!!! Looking forward to this!
Jeff Sonex 1570, standard gear, matco independant brakes and wheels, aileron trim, MGL iefis, V6 radio, Uavionix adsb, stx-165 transponder, Jabiru 3300 Finished Ponder Tx
Welcome to the forum! A growing number of Sonex enthusiasts, builders, and pilots have been discovering - much better format for discussions and viewing photos.
Robbie Sonex 1517
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Robbie Culver Sonex 1517 Aero Estates (T25) First flight 10/10/2015 375+ hours Jabiru 3300 Gen 4 Prince P Tip Taildragger N1517S
daleandee wrote:In fact I'm told that on this forum I can add photos right into my post ... except when I get a message that says, "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."
Please see this tutorial for assitance with including images in your posts.
Chris Sonex 1409 Slowly Scratch Building Site Owner/Admin