by Onex107 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:53 am
My Onex has a home made oil separator that lets me measure the oil filtered in fluid ounces. I am of the old school that believes vented oil should not be added back to the engine. My Aerovee is at 225 hours and typically I measure 8 to 10 ounces of vented oil in a 25 hour oil change. But, I did go through a period of high oil usage, plug fowling, and poor performance due to a broken oil ring in the beginning0. The oil rings provided with my engine had a small up turned tab on the end of the spacer to prevent the spacer ends from overlapping. The little tab one end of the spacer broke off and the ring over lapped and lost tension. That cylinder was literally pumping oil past the compression rings. The new ring set had larger, molded on, color coded, stop blocks on the end of the spacer so you could easily see if the ring was properly installed when you inserted the piston in the cylinder. Oil consumption like I had is very apparent on the plugs. The bottom plug in that cylinder was wet with oil. This engine takes a considerable amount of time to break in. I wouldn't be concerned until you hit 75 to 100 hours.
OneX 107