I notice you haven't posted before, so you may be unfamiliar with some of the adjuster failures that have been discussed in the past. The only one I know of with an NTSB report happened to be installed different than shown in the instructions--lots of exposed threads and the oil passage not supported or able to transfer oil. Others have had similar failures and post frequently on the forum. I imagine they will say theirs were installed correctly, so there may be other possible failure modes at work. Personally, I'm careful to use a torque wrench every time I adjust mine. I'm sure you did the right thing by reaming and cleaning them out.
viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3688lutorm wrote:Keep RTV far away from the engine when assembling it, especially if you run without an oil filter...
I think this is probably good advice, but it might be worth pointing out that the instructions have you use a light coat of red RTV when installing the oil seal. I caught a surprisingly long piece in my screen. Next time I do it, I'll be careful to re-evaluate my definition of "light coat".