Limited Tech Support April 7th-18th

Limited Tech Support April 7th-18th

Postby SonexFactoryTech » Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:57 pm

Sonex Aircraft and AeroVee Owners:

Sonex tech support will be limited from April 7th through 18th while staff attends the Sun and Fun Fly-in in Lakeland, FL. Only tech questions submitted through the online will form will be checked and responses to those will be very limited by time. During this time please take full advantage of all available resources to resolve your building question before contacting Sonex Aircraft for tech support. Those resources include the kit-provided plans and manuals, the vast resources under the "Support" tab of the Sonex Aircraft website, general building resources such as the Tony Bingelis books and EAA videos, books, and online content, and fellow builders who have the proper knowledge and experience to answer your particular question.

Non-tech questions such as order inquiries, billing inquiries, shipping questions, parts availability, etc. should not be submitted to the tech support email addresses. Please email or phone the appropriate department at Sonex Aircraft, which will remain open during the week of Sun and Fun, with those inquiries.

Beginning April 18th tech queries will be triaged and answered as quickly as possible but expect delays as we work to catch up.

If you submit a tech question and then resolve your issue before you get a response PLEASE send a follow-up email that you no longer need a response.

Thank you, and we hope to see many of you at Sun and Fun.

Sonex Aircraft, LLC
Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:28 pm

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