by fastj22 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:03 am
I'm 6,1 and I fit fine in my lowered seat Waiex. My hangar mate has a standard seat Sonex. My head hits the canopy in his plane. I think the current Onex is based on my size. I was at the builders clinic when Jeremy was designing the canopy. Used me to figure out the best angle. I sat in the end product at Airventure and it really gives me a few inches above my head.
John Gillis
SEL Private, Comm Glider, Tow pilot (Pawnee Driver)
Waiex N116YX, Jabiru 3300, Tail dragger,
First flight, 3/16/2013. 403 hours and climbing.
Home: CO15. KOSH x 5
Flying a B-Model Conversion (Super Bee Baby!)