by Sonex1517 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:11 pm
Any builders or prospective in or near Chicagoland -- we are trying to organize an informal get together for brunch at Charlie's restaurant at Clow International airport.
What we have in mind is meeting up and yapping for a few hours, and eventually organizing a local fly in. I have been in touch with one local builder who has suggested this for next summer and I am in if the dates work.
If you are interested in a brunch at Clow, please let me know - ideally we would like to try for sometime during the holiday break. So far I may have at least 4 of us attending. Gotta start somewhere....
Sonex 1517
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Robbie Culver
Sonex 1517
Aero Estates (T25)
First flight 10/10/2015
375+ hours
Jabiru 3300 Gen 4
Prince P Tip