If you don't mind me asking, what RPM is the redline you exceeded static? 3200rpm? If you were closer to me, I'd be interested in swapping my Prince 54x46 with yours since I only get around 2800 static on mine with the Aerovee. I know you've got more power, but man that seems like a lot more power.
I'd expect your extra 6.9% displacement to result in a similar amount of extra torque. The torque required to spin a propeller in static conditions is proportional to rpm^2 (more accurate over small RPM differences like I believe this is), so I'd expect that extra 6.9% torque to yield 3.4% more rpm. If I get 2800 rpm, I'd expect you to get about 2900. My number isn't very exact since I rarely do a static full-power run-up so it could easily be off by 100rpm, but if you're getting well over 3000rpm static, I'd be suspicious of:
- The difference in torque between my 2180 Aerovee and the 2300 Revmaster is due to more than just displacement. It would be interesting to understand what that difference is.
- Our two Prince 54x46 propellers are not very similar. Sonex has made a similar claim about Prince propellers when they stopped selling them, but I'm unaware of any evidence.
- Your tachometer is not correctly counting RPMs. On the Aerovee it's possible to set up the tachometer incorrectly since it counts alternator pulses. I verified mine with a laser tachometer counting the blade directly.
Maybe someone who is flying a Revmaster 2300 will volunteer their propeller dimensions and static rpm.
Corby202 wrote:A 48 inch pitch Prince prop would be around 54inch pitch on the Sensenich.
That's interesting. I know there isn't an exact definition of pitch used by all manufacturers, but I didn't realize it was that different between Prince and Sensenich.