n502pd wrote:I would like to hear from some flyers with the AeroVee engine, and get a smattering of Cylinder head temps, EGT temps, oil temps, and exhaust stack color. I want to see if what I have is appropriate:
cruise flight,2900-3000rpm, 2500 ft, 115+/-mph, OAT about 80 deg, CHT 250-290, EGT 1050-1150, oil temp 170- 185 (estimated) oil press 65. Cowl exit enlarged 25%, very tight baffeling seals to the extent it can take two to install cowling. TT on engine is 3.9 hrs. Stack color is a med gray using 100 LL. Leaned to about 3/4 in out. I feel I am pretty close to what I want, and can richen or lean to my needs. Stack color darkens when I dont lean, but I wish to have the option to richen up if needed. I do have an oversized bottom oil cooler installed for Tx heat.
wlarson861 wrote:In the first 50 hours if you have cht's below 375f I would revisit the tuning as it is probably way too rich.
n502pd wrote:Thanks for the encouragment! I think I am on the correct path with my observations, and wont baby it at all. a side note, after the high speed test was initiated, about half way thru the pass the engine picked up some rpm and seemed to run 'easier', if that can be imagined! maybe that was a good thing to do?! It and I survived in good shape, and nothing fell off!!!
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