by SonexN76ET » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:22 pm
This is great news from Sonex about offering a Rotax engine mount for the Rotax. I will be ordering my mount this week! I have just ordered the Rotax instruction manual and installation video. I will likely buy my engine from Titan Aircraft in Austinburg, OH. I am looking at going with the Sensenich Rotax ground adjustable propeller. I will also need to purchase an exhaust system, oil tank, oil cooler, radiator, expansion tank, and plumbing. I am buying a balancing device for the twin Bing carburetors. Not real happy about the need to rebuild the carbs every 200 hours. I may buy two sets and have one sent to Lockwood for rebuilding while using the other set. I will also have to learn how to service the gear reduction unit as required if you burn 100 LL. Big challenge will be fitting all this inside the cooling. I already have a fuel pump installed from when I was using the Rotec TBIand I have a Vans RV8 throttle quadrant I was using with the Rotec. This should be a fun challenge and I look forward to getting in the air with the Rotax 912 as soon as possible with minimal downtime. I will probably also install a five gallon auxiliary fuel tank similar to Josh Bardell's.
One of my goals is to be able to burn MOGAS with 10% ethanol as AVGAS at my airport is still at $6 a gallon.
My primary goal is to confidently go on long distance cross country trips over rough terrain with either my wife or kids as passengers.
Wish me luck!
Kudos to Sonex for offering this mount for the legacy Sonex Aircraft.
Sonex Rocks!!!
Sonex Tri Gear, Rotax 912 ULS, Sensenich 3 Blade Ground Adjustable Propeller
MGL Velocity EMS, Garmin GTR 200 Comm, GTX 335 ADS B Out Transponder
ILevil AW AHRS & ADS-B In, UAvionix AV20S
200+ hours previously with Aerovee engine
Sarasota, Florida