Mike53 wrote:Sorry to here that Andy.At the end of the day you are right ,we just want to fly.I personally handle it by flying 1 hour a month to keep my hand in it.It's a 150 rental and costs me $118 .I also understand about keeping motivation up for the build.Not always easy to do especially when there are glitches.I constantly remind myself that my Onex will always be an asset and when it's done I will be able to fly more than I could ever afford otherwise.
I wonder if you were just buying the kit now and were able to get the pre punched parts as they are offered for the Sonex now, if it would have been the same ?
Best of luck in your future endeavors.
Sonex1517 wrote:No! Say it ain't so!
Best of luck with the sale Andy, I know this could not have been an easy decision.
Sonex 1517
Andy Walker wrote:I have not really been happy with the amount of fabrication involved in this kit. I think Sonex soft-sells that part a little bit. If everything was ready to go, like in an RV-12 kit, it would definitely cut out some of the frustrations. But then it would cost a lot more too...
MichaelFarley56 wrote:I'm sorry to hear it Andy but I completely understand. These things always take longer than people expect when they begin. I also agree that Sonex, at least the older kits, are not as easy to build verses kits like the RV-12. I can understand however, since the Sonex kit is 25-30% cheaper. I am jealous of the new kits with the match hole capability... I think that was an excellent idea by Sonex and should put their kits on par with Vans RV kits.
So what's the plan now Andy? Sell the kit and find a flying one?
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