Latest update from Peter....
We are less than a week away from the 2017 North Carolina Sonex Spring Fling - "May 6th 2017 Siler City NC, KSCR" So, check your weather, Looks very good right now. check your aircraft, and check your cars. We are looking forward to a great event.
As of right now we have
14 Sonex's and about 50 folks registered to attend so far. Some folks are going to camp at the airport starting Friday and plan to stay through Sunday.
Karen, the FBO manager has agreed to let us use the FBO facilities, so for all the campers, welcome. Let be sure to leave the facilities better than when we arrived.
Before I forget, we will be putting out some tables for those of you that may want to clean out your hanger and bring all your toys you no longer need. You can swop the parts, sell the part or just give them to folks that could use them. Why hang onto them when there are folks that could put that stuff to good use at a bargain.
I know there are some folks that are out there that are on the fence, come on guys this only happens once a year and we count on you to make this event a success.
Last call to register, and please share the link or the email with folks that I may have missed.
Register Now: ... sp=sf_linkAirport Information: ... al-AirportRegards