by fastj22 » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:05 pm
I'm almost done drilling now, but during the height of my build, I always found myself throwing in a couple of #30 bits in my bi-weekly ACS or Wicks order. for the #40, I just used the cheap Harbor Freight titanium coated 3/32 bits you get in a ten pack for $2. You will updrill those anyways for rivets. A new #30 from ACS are great for drilling out the stainless steel rivets. Don't try this with the titanium coated bits from HF. You will just make noise. Also get some step bits from HF. They are a must have for your panel and anywhere where a bigger than #30 hole needs to be.
John Gillis
SEL Private, Comm Glider, Tow pilot (Pawnee Driver)
Waiex N116YX, Jabiru 3300, Tail dragger,
First flight, 3/16/2013. 403 hours and climbing.
Home: CO15. KOSH x 5
Flying a B-Model Conversion (Super Bee Baby!)