The starter used by the Aerovee has an integrated solenoid that can be used instead of a starter contactor.
The experimental aircraft wiring diagrams on this page shows it connected that way:
http://www.skytecair.com/Wiring_Diag.htmI have big welding wires running directly from the battery to the starter. This is the main difference. Smaller gauge wires (with a fuse near the battery) run through the automotive relay and into the cockpit where everything including the starter button is powered.
I turn my master key to "on" and hear a tiny click from the relay letting me know the cockpit has power and that the starter button is "armed".
I don't have a digital copy of the schematic, but if it still doesn't make sense, I can scan one in.
I'm not recommending anyone else do it the same way I did. There are some downsides--most notably the inability to completely remove the battery from the circuit. If the starter solenoid somehow got stuck "on", there'd be no way to turn it off other than wait for a dead battery. The relay seemed simpler and more elegant at the time, but I just as easily could have gone the typical route.