Register Now !!!
We are getting to the wire now with only a few days left to register for the American Sonex Association fly-in on the 12th and 13th of October.
We are up to
40, yes 40 Sonex type aircraft registered to fly into Crossville, TN (KCSV) for our annual gathering. Dont miss out on this opportunity to make history and be part of the largest Sonex gathering in the World. Fly up, drive up, hike up, we would love to have you there.
Below are some links that will get you directly to the registration forms you need to complete so we can be sure there is enough food and drink for everyone coming.
To Register for the event go to: ASA 2012 Registration Form ... NDYxS0E6MQFor the event details and hotel bookings go to : ASA2012 Events Page ... index.htmlNote to all pilots flying into Crossville:
With the National election in its final weeks TFR's are going to pop-up on a daily basis throughout the country. Please take extra precautions when planning your flight to Crossville and make sure you get an up to the minute briefing before you depart. It would be amusing to see and hear the stories of how you flew formation with a F16, but we would rather not have to come bail you out with the limited funds we have.
Here is a site you can go to to get TFR's remember depicted TFR data may not be a complete listing. Pilots should not use the information on this website for flight planning purposes. For the latest information, call your local Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF.
Peter W38 S773