I have a few pics on my build thread like the one on this page:
viewtopic.php?f=39&t=578&p=6035&hilit=Arbor+press#p60351) Choose a big honking bolt to give you the proper bend radius. Saw off the head or threads if required. You can use any round steel rod.
2) Make a jig. I used two pieces of oak screwed to plywood. I set them apart by the diameter of the bolt. This works for the angles we need.
3) A line down the middle of the gap is helpful for alignment.
4) I use scrap screwed down to the oak to prevent the part from twisting. This is important especially on the odd shaped parts!
5) Bend away! It is better to not bend enough, and need another go than to overbend and have to unbend. But, we have all done it somewhere I bet.