In looking through the data on this accident, it appears that the factual report has an error.
According to the engine logbook, the engine was a Volkswagon 2180 Aerovee, serial number
270, rated at 80 horsepower. The last maintenance recorded was an oil change on October 18,
2014, at a total time of 11.2 hours.
In looking at the engine logbook, I don't ever see an engine change, and the total time at the last oil change record was 111.2 hours.
One other little curiosity I noted was that according to the Airframe Log it appears that the plane left phase 1 testing after 5.5 hours. That doesn't quite seem right. ... mkey=90275Short summary: New owner on ferry flight home from CA to OH, flew out of an 8K plus DA strip after taking on fuel. Aborted first takeoff. #3 cylinder head found likely fouled. No fairings or wheel pants on a tri-gear didn't help. Couldn't maintain positive rate of climb (maybe overheating/ warning lights going off), stalled/spun it into a dried lake bed.
Gregg Short