by Fastcapy » Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:06 pm
I guess I don't see the big issue with wheel landings in a Sonex. Many of my best landings in mine are wheelies. I really don't think the Sonex is difficult to land either way. Well, once you get used to the sight picture and the low seat height. It took me awhile to stop rounding out too high.
I think my 3 points got a lot better when I started treating them like tail low wheel landings. Set the attitude and fly it onto the runway, not pulling back on the stick to full stall. Use a blip of throttle to slow the descent rate if needed.
As for my standard. Drop below 100 on downwind, slowing to 90 abeam the numbers where I drop in 1 notch of flaps. Turn base and 80mph, drop in second notch of flaps. Turn final, speed around 70, power, slip or 3rd notch of flaps as needed. Over the fence shooting for 65, keep speed coming off, over the numbers at 50-55 and fly it onto the runway. If my speed feels a bit fast I will wheel land it, otherwise I aim for 3 point/tail low wheel landing. Really depends what the plane is giving me. I do a fair share of both in mine, so whatever it seems to want I just go with it rather than fight it to do one preferred method.
I do find my landings are better with the weight of another person as a passenger. Sometimes when I am light the gear seems to want to spring me back up a bit, nothing crazy, just not quite as smooth as when I am heavy and it seems to stick a bit better on touchdown.
Mike Beck
Oshkosh, WI (KOSH)
Sonex #1145 N920MB
Std Gear, Modified Aerovee, Rotec TBI, Dual Stick, Acro Ailerons
MGL Panel
Airworthiness: 10/24/13, First Flight: 05/18/14