WIX-W12 Rear Spar Assembly

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WIX-W12 Rear Spar Assembly

Postby dbdevkc » Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:01 am

Regarding the rib attach pilot holes - vertical locations:

There is a note: "For proper Rib alignment the rib attach holes must be located accurately. Use Laser Cut Formed Rib to establish locations, reference WIX-W11 drawing."

So I went ahead and marked the spar channel based on the measurements given on W12 for the vertical locations. Then if I take any of the aft ribs and just lay it up against the spar channel I can get the marks to line up with the rib holes exactly. Should I align the rib flange with the top of the spar channel and mark / pilot hold drill the holes now - or wait until I am assembling the wing substructure and align and pilot hole drill directly through the rib flanges? Seems to me there is more chance for error trying to drill pilot holes in the spar channel directly through the rib flange pilot holes.

[color=#800000]Kevin Conklin
Building Waiex #169
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Re: WIX-W12 Rear Spar Assembly

Postby dbdevkc » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:42 am

So when I lined up a strip of aluminum at the top, I marked through the holes. Upon measuring, they were about 1/64 to 1/32 lower than the "measured" marks. So it was easy enough to put a new mark 1/32 below all the already measured marks and drill the holes in between but a bit closer to the new mark.

Anyone else use on of these Incra T-Rules? I love it, it makes measuring to 1/64 easy.

[color=#800000]Kevin Conklin
Building Waiex #169
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Re: WIX-W12 Rear Spar Assembly

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:23 am

I had never seen that tool. Looks awesome! You should post the youtube link in the tools section.

All of my holes were pre-located. The alignment was good but not perfect everywhere. If I had scratch built it would have been more perfect but taken a lot longer. No problem piloting through rib flanges with the right tool. For me that is a snake drill and a long #40 bit.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
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