Received delivery of countersink microstop, a 5/32 cutter, a 3/16″ cutter, and a 5/32″ spring back dimple die. Spent some time test drilling countersinks with the 5/32″ cutter into scrap .125 material and dimpling scrap .032 material. Used the borrowed Avery C-Frame for dimpling – very nice!
But the skin doesn't sit flush after tightening the screw , it actually pulls the skin in and causes the edge of the skin to rise up,and if I don't countersink as deep it would leave gap under the skin.
Fitting of the dimpled main spar web onto the web stack and spar cap (with clecos). Noted some bending of the .032 main web that took place during the dimpling process. Took the spar apart to remove the bending with the hand seamer.
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