by mike.smith » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:20 pm
With lots of input from many sources (thanks everyone!) and some tinkering and tweaking I have been making improvements. Here is where I am at now, with comments in no particular order:
I ran the suggested in-flight test of the secondary and primary ignitions, but I wasn't noticing a difference in CHT's as you would see if the secondary ignition was advanced. But when WOT, or close to it, if I turned off the secondary ignition I would get a 100 rpm rise. It does not show up during a ground run up, where I can only get up to about 2,700 rpm before the brakes start letting me inch forward. So I retarded the trigger cap a little bit, and during the next flight I noticed only about a 30 rpm increase with the secondary off. With the secondary turned off my temps did go up. So I'm going to retard it a little more and see what happens.
My oil has always run too COOL, so I have been experimenting with the block-off plates I use in the winter to make the oil cooler opening smaller. With 50% of the opening covered I still don't get oil over 180-185 degrees on even a warm day, so I'm going to try covering up a little more, for two reasons. 1) the oil needs to get hot enough to boil off the water, and 2) I am planning to go to the top-mounted oil cooler and am planning to cover much of the oil cooler opening to limit drag and pressurization the inside of the cowl.
During the annual last week I of course reset all the valve gaps. I have also been experimenting with a larger cowl exit by making (2) hinge pieces that I have been mounting across part of the horizontal pins of the bottom cowl. Essentially they spread the cowl wider across the width of the cowl bottom to let more air out. I did it a little and did not seem to do much. I did it a lot and it did have an impact, though I need more flights to verify, and I'm going to wait until I have the top mounted oil cooler before I make any permanent changes to the lower cowl opening, but for the time being it seems like an enlarged exit is in order.
I haven't had time to try my fixes one at a time, but between the larger cowl exit, making sure the valves were set, less drag at the oil cooler inlet and retarding the trigger cap, my Sunday flight went REALLY well. I loaded me and 50 lbs of extra weights, plus full fuel and a half gallon of smoke oil to get up to 1,012 lbs. Taking off with a 90 deg cross wind and both ignitions on, I was getting 2,950 rpm with 350-400 fpm climb, and all my temperatures were way into the green even at WOT with a touch of leaning. If I turned off the secondary ignition I would get about 3,050rpm on climb out.
During level flight at 3,050 rpm I was at 98-100 kts IAS, 104 kts TAS. My hottest cylinder is #1 and it was at 1270 EGT/340 CHT. That is WAY better than I have been getting. I was leaned out about 1 to 1-1/2". After 2.4 hours of flight time, including two take-offs and two landings, I burned 3.95 gph! I was running lean during cruise, but even so that seems rather low. But my perception when I have run rich is that the engine seems to bog down a bit. Maybe it's just perception so more testing is in order.
So all in all things are much better after those few tweaks :-) If you are having issues with power and/or temperatures maybe some of these things will help. But remember that 80 hp can only do so much, so keep your expectations in line with reality.
Oh, and during my compression test (cold) I got 79/80, 80/80, 79/80, 80/80 :-)