Discussion for Waiex builders on specific plans page experience. These posts are limited to technical suggestions such as assembly order, challenges, or techniques related to specific plans pages.


Postby kevinh » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:06 pm

I have a silly question. What is the access panel in the -01 fairing installation drawing providing access to? I'm working on my bottom of the fuse now and considering cutting this hole now - but I don't know why it is there. :D It seems to me it is just pushrods and rudder cables passing through that area... Can I skip installing this panel?
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse,
then cowl, canopy, paint (photos): flush rivets, turbo aerovee, acro ailerons
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Re: WIX-T02

Postby MichaelFarley56 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:57 pm

My plans are old enough that I don't have this access panel indicated on mine. Is it a 5" round cover plate on the bottom tailcone skin that's ultimately right in front of the ventral fairing?

If so, I believe that was part of the Waiex tail Service Bulletin. The purpose of that inspection panel is to allow people to reach the bottom on the AN-4 bolts that pass through the 7/8" tail blocks, angle pieces, and ultimately the upper longerons (the bolts that hold the forward tail spars to the longerons). If you can access those bolts prior to riveting on the bottom skin, then my two cents are that this inspection panel will be optional. I can tell you from my personal experience that you can visually inspect these bolts and stop nuts by looking in the aft fuselage mixer access panel, but you have basically no chance of actually reaching them.

Is this the panel you're talking about?
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Re: WIX-T02

Postby kevinh » Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:02 pm

Ah yes! That makes sense on all counts. Since I'll be leaving my bottom skin clecoed for as long as possible - I think I'll skip that access panel (at least for now). Thanks!
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse,
then cowl, canopy, paint (photos): flush rivets, turbo aerovee, acro ailerons
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