by SonexN76ET » Mon May 23, 2016 8:47 pm
Do you have any lessons learned having amassed 1,500 hours that you could share with us? Where there any maintenance items or areas where wear caused you any concerns?
Did you have an Aerovee for the first 800 hours? If so, how has maintenance and overall satisfaction compared between the Jabiru and the Aerovee?
I have a little over 80 hours on my Aerovee powered Sonex and am looking forward to putting on many more over the coming years.
Sonex Tri Gear, Rotax 912 ULS, Sensenich 3 Blade Ground Adjustable Propeller
MGL Velocity EMS, Garmin GTR 200 Comm, GTX 335 ADS B Out Transponder
ILevil AW AHRS & ADS-B In, UAvionix AV20S
200+ hours previously with Aerovee engine
Sarasota, Florida